Wayco Inspira
Wayco Cabanyal Carrer de Marià Cuber, 17, 46011, ValenciaOur afterwork of inspiring stories is back! Presented and revitalized by Celia March and Roberto Pérez. Take a note, the amazing people of Flea Market are coming to tell us […]
Our afterwork of inspiring stories is back! Presented and revitalized by Celia March and Roberto Pérez. Take a note, the amazing people of Flea Market are coming to tell us […]
Our yoga teacher Ezgi, will help us keep our wellness goals for the month at Wayco Ruzafa. Where: Wayco Ruzafa, Ruzafa Room. When: Tuesday 18th of February from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. […]
Our yoga teacher Ezgi, will help us keep our wellness goals for the month at Wayco Ruzafa. Where: Wayco Ruzafa, Ruzafa Room. When: Tuesday 11th of February from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. […]