Wayco Ruzafa , SpainThe perfect opportunity to get to know your community better and do what some people call networking. Coffee, croissant and a good conversation! - Where: wayCO Ruzafa. Room Germanias, next to […]
The perfect opportunity to get to know your community better and do what some people call networking. Coffee, croissant and a good conversation! - Where: wayCO Ruzafa. Room Germanias, next to […]
The perfect opportunity to get to know your community better and do what some call networking. - Where: wayCO Abastos.Sala Bailén - When: Tuesday 10th of January at 10 AM. […]
¡Rosi and Luis are back wih their cocktail shaker to celebrate the 2023 and a new year in wayCO! - Where: wayCO Ruzafa. Cafeteria. - When: Friday 20th of January at 5:30 […]
"A practical guide to destroying the city", an event on architectural and cultural heritage in Valencia. - Where: wayCO Ruzafa. Sala Crisol. - When: Wednesday 25th of January at 7p.m. - How […]
The perfect opportunity to get to know your community better and do what some people call networking. Coffee, croissant and a good conversation! - Where: wayCO Ruzafa. - When: Tuesday 8th […]
Participate in the mini wayCO ping pong league or cheer up your community with a beer! Game rules: 1. -It is a single winner 2.- It will be played on […]
Meet three super cool wayCO projects from other coworkers and toast to them. - Where: wayCO Abastos. Bailen Room. - When: Tuesday 28th of February at 6.00PM. - Duration: 1 […]
Coffee, toast, croissants. What do you do for living? A few laughs. The interchange of Instagram- LinkedIn-o-WhatsApp and the classic, basically - Networking. - Where: wayCO Abastos. - When: Tuesday […]
On Tuesday the 14th of March we will have a traditional Fallas Xocolatà. Get in your best Fallas spirit and come have a hot chocolate with buñuelos - courtesy of […]
Who’s up for a little Fallas tour on Thursday, March the 16th? We will start our tour from the reception of WayCO Ruzafa and Abastos at 5.30pm, on our way […]
If you are looking forward to experiencing Fallas, we got you. On Friday the the 17th of March, we will meet in wayCO Ruzafa’s front desk to go watch la […]
Are you an entrepreneur woman? Keep reading! The second meeting of "El vagón de las mujeres", the community of women entrepreneurs from inside and outside wayCO, will bring the stories […]