
Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

The perfect opportunity to get to know your community better and do what some people call networking. Coffee, croissant and a good conversation! - Where: wayCO Ruzafa. Room Germanias, next to […]

Breakfast CO Abastos

Wayco Abastos , Spain

The perfect opportunity to get to know your community better and do what some call networking. - Where: wayCO Abastos.Sala Bailén - When: Tuesday 10th of January at 10 AM. […]

After CO

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

¡Rosi and Luis are back wih their cocktail shaker to celebrate the 2023 and a new year in wayCO! - Where: wayCO Ruzafa. Cafeteria. - When: Friday 20th of January at 5:30 […]

Arquitecture Event

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

"A practical guide to destroying the city", an event on architectural and cultural heritage in Valencia. - Where: wayCO Ruzafa. Sala Crisol. - When: Wednesday 25th of January at 7p.m. - How […]

BreakfastCO Ruzafa

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

The perfect opportunity to get to know your community better and do what some people call networking. Coffee, croissant and a good conversation! - Where: wayCO Ruzafa. - When: Tuesday 8th […]

Ping Pong League

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

Participate in the mini wayCO ping pong league or cheer up your community with a beer! Game rules: 1. -It is a single winner 2.- It will be played on […]

Speech&Wine Abastos

Wayco Abastos , Spain

Meet three super cool wayCO projects from other coworkers and toast to them. - Where: wayCO Abastos. Bailen Room. - When: Tuesday 28th of February at 6.00PM. - Duration: 1 […]

Breakfast CO Abastos

Wayco Abastos , Spain

Coffee, toast, croissants. What do you do for living? A few laughs. The interchange of Instagram- LinkedIn-o-WhatsApp and the classic, basically - Networking. - Where: wayCO Abastos. - When: Tuesday […]

Xocolatà with buñuelos

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

On Tuesday the 14th of March we will have a traditional Fallas Xocolatà. Get in your best Fallas spirit and come have a hot chocolate with buñuelos - courtesy of […]

Fallas Tour

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

Who’s up for a little Fallas tour on Thursday, March the 16th? We will start our tour from the reception of WayCO Ruzafa and Abastos at 5.30pm, on our way […]


Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

If you are looking forward to experiencing Fallas, we got you. On Friday the the 17th of March, we will meet in wayCO Ruzafa’s front desk to go watch la […]

El vagón de las mujeres

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

Are you an entrepreneur woman? Keep reading! The second meeting of "El vagón de las mujeres", the community of women entrepreneurs from inside and outside wayCO, will bring the stories […]