Yoga class

Wayco Cabanyal Carrer de Marià Cuber, 17, 46011, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Nathalie, our yoga instructor at Wayco Cabanyal, helps you relax and steady you at the same time before you say Namaste. Includes: yoga mat. Prior registration is required. - Where: Wayco […]

Public speaking course

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

First session of the Public Speaking Course, taught by Carlos Gimeno, professional coach, at Wayco Ruzafa. Three classes in total, which will take you to another level to speak in […]

Wayco Inspira

Wayco Cabanyal Carrer de Marià Cuber, 17, 46011, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

What is our true potential? Do we depend on the perspective of others? We're back with another Wayco Inspira! The afterwork promoted by We The Root and Wayco comes with […]

Lunch sponsored by ‘Little Thai’

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

If you can't go to Little Thai, Little Thai comes to you. Specifically, to Wayco Ruzafa. Come, they invite. We will try a selection of dishes from their Thai fusion […]

Breakfast CO Cabanyal

Wayco Cabanyal Carrer de Marià Cuber, 17, 46011, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

You already know what breakfasts are at Wayco Cabanyal. Coffee + we tell each other about life + croissants + we get to know each other and we have a […]

Breakfast CO Ruzafa

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

Since we are in love with breakfast at Wayco Ruzafa, we have decided to celebrate Valentine's Day with coffee and croissants. There is a lot of love there. - Where: Wayco […]

Showcooking Paella at Café de CO Cabanyal

Wayco Cabanyal Carrer de Marià Cuber, 17, 46011, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Vermouth, good company and our chef cooking an authentic Valencian paella on the terrace of Wayco Cabanyal. Recommended pose: hands behind your back, face of approval and nodding your head. […]

Lunch sponsored by ‘Little Thai’

Wayco Cabanyal Carrer de Marià Cuber, 17, 46011, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Those at Little Thai take home delivery to another level: in addition to bringing it, they invite you! Come to Wayco Cabanyal and enjoy a succulent tasting of their Thai […]

Public speaking course

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

Second session of the Public Speaking Course with Carlos Gimeno, professional coach, at Wayco Ruzafa. Speaking well in public is no mystery to him and from now on, thanks to […]

Wayco Inspira

Wayco Cabanyal Carrer de Marià Cuber, 17, 46011, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

This is the afterwork in which no one tells the typical story. Every month we promote, together with We The Root, this meeting at Wayco Cabanyal with stories that deprogram […]

Adidas Running

Río Turia Calle del Norte, 26, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Let's go for a run! Joining the Adidas Running club is not incopatible with having some chocolate and churros. Every week we meet at the Turia river for a guided […]

Mascletà Co

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

Powder and rhythmic noise, that's what Fallas sound like. We will go together to see a mascletá in Plaza del Ayuntamiento. If you've never been there... be prepared to stare […]