Zombie Coffee
Wayco Ruzafa , SpainOn Halloween we pay tribute to our saying: “this coffee would bring a dead man to life”. We are waiting for you at Wayco Abastos, Cabanyal and Ruzafa to have […]
On Halloween we pay tribute to our saying: “this coffee would bring a dead man to life”. We are waiting for you at Wayco Abastos, Cabanyal and Ruzafa to have […]
We return to Yoga Classes with our dear Ezgi, we will salute the sun and release stress every Tuesday afternoon at Wayco Ruzafa. Where: Wayco Ruzafa, Cinema Room. When: Tuesday […]
Our teacher Ezgi will help us to keep the muscles in tuned to play the tambourine better and peel the prawns with more verve. Every Tuesday at Wayco Ruzafa. Where: […]
Our teacher Ezgi will help us to keep the muscles in tuned to play the tambourine better and peel the prawns with more verve. Every Tuesday at Wayco Ruzafa. Where: […]
The tradicional Wayco Worst Sweater, Best Person contest is here. Special breakfast with chocolate and churros, only for those who wear Christmas outfit, in the Wayco Ruzafa and Wayco Cabanyal […]
The Wayco Gallery in Ruzafa will become a pop-up shop where you can buy everything from the fantastic illustrations of the iconic Cachetejack and pop artist Pierpaolo Rovero to the […]
Our teacher Ezgi, will help us to keep the muscles in tuned to play the tambourine better and peel the prawns with more verve. Every Tuesday at Wayco Ruzafa. Where: […]
We never miss our montly appointment with the most inspirational stories. Celia March and Roberto Pérez will introduce Mamás en Acción at Wayco Cabanyal. From here we leave super-vitaminized and […]
Our yoga teacher Ezgi, help us to eat our ‘roscón de Reyes’ without remorse and with great agility at Wayco Ruzafa. Where: Wayco Ruzafa, Ruzafa Room. When: Tuesday 7th of […]
Our yoga teacher Ezgi, help us to eat our ‘roscón de Reyes’ without remorse and with great agility at Wayco Ruzafa. Where: Wayco Ruzafa, Ruzafa Room. When: Tuesday 7th of […]
The WordPress Valencia community organises an interesting conference on ‘The two faces of Artificial Inteligence‘ at Wayco Ruzafa. Pure gold. Where: Wayco Ruzafa, Cinema Room. When: Thursday 16th of January […]
Our yoga teacher Ezgi, help us to eat our ‘roscón de Reyes’ without remorse and with great agility at Wayco Ruzafa. Where: Wayco Ruzafa, Ruzafa Room. When: Tuesday 21st of […]