Zombie Coffee

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

On Halloween we pay tribute to our saying: “this coffee would bring a dead man to life”. We are waiting for you at Wayco Abastos, Cabanyal and Ruzafa to have […]

Yoga Class 26/11

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

We return to Yoga Classes with our dear Ezgi, we will salute the sun and release stress every Tuesday afternoon at Wayco Ruzafa. Where: Wayco Ruzafa, Cinema Room. When: Tuesday […]

Yoga Class 03/12

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

Our teacher Ezgi will help us to keep the muscles in tuned to play the tambourine better and peel the prawns with more verve. Every Tuesday at Wayco Ruzafa. Where: […]

Yoga Class 10/12

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

Our teacher Ezgi will help us to keep the muscles in tuned to play the tambourine better and peel the prawns with more verve. Every Tuesday at Wayco Ruzafa. Where: […]

Breakfast Co – Christmas Edition

The tradicional Wayco Worst Sweater, Best Person contest is here. Special breakfast with chocolate and churros, only for those who wear Christmas outfit, in the Wayco Ruzafa and Wayco Cabanyal […]

Solidarity Pop Up Gallery

The Wayco Gallery in Ruzafa will become a pop-up shop where you can buy everything from the fantastic illustrations of the iconic Cachetejack and pop artist Pierpaolo Rovero to the […]

Yoga Class 17/12

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

Our teacher Ezgi, will help us to keep the muscles in tuned to play the tambourine better and peel the prawns with more verve. Every Tuesday at Wayco Ruzafa. Where: […]

Wayco Inspira

Wayco Cabanyal Carrer de Marià Cuber, 17, 46011, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

We never miss our montly appointment with the most inspirational stories. Celia March and Roberto Pérez will introduce Mamás en Acción at Wayco Cabanyal. From here we leave super-vitaminized and […]

Yoga Class 07/01

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

Our yoga teacher Ezgi, help us to eat our ‘roscón de Reyes’ without remorse and with great agility at Wayco Ruzafa. Where: Wayco Ruzafa, Ruzafa Room. When: Tuesday 7th of […]

Yoga Class 14/01

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

Our yoga teacher Ezgi, help us to eat our ‘roscón de Reyes’ without remorse and with great agility at Wayco Ruzafa. Where: Wayco Ruzafa, Ruzafa Room. When: Tuesday 7th of […]

WordPress Conference – ‘The two faces of AI’

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

The WordPress Valencia community organises an interesting conference on ‘The two faces of Artificial Inteligence‘ at Wayco Ruzafa. Pure gold. Where: Wayco Ruzafa, Cinema Room. When: Thursday 16th of January […]

Yoga Class 21/01

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

Our yoga teacher Ezgi, help us to eat our ‘roscón de Reyes’ without remorse and with great agility at Wayco Ruzafa. Where: Wayco Ruzafa, Ruzafa Room. When: Tuesday 21st of […]