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El vagón de las mujeres

29 November 2022
17:00 - 18:30





Wayco Ruzafa

46005 Spain

Agenda >

Are you an entrepreneur woman?
We have a new project that you may be interested in at wayCO!

This event is focused on the support and experiences of entrepreneurs women and will feature with the experience of three speakers:

1. Mayte Carvajal – Mentor to Entrepreneurs, Mentoring Innovator
2. Mariola Alemany – Croquetea Co-Founder, Food Innovator
3. Sonia Tirado – Director of innovation of Generalitat

In this event they will talk about their success stories, how they faced their problems, they will give advice and it will also be a good opportunity to ask questions and network among other entrepreneurs women and the speakers, all with a good coffee in our hands!

Sign up to find out what it’s all about!

– Where: wayCO Ruzafa, Sala Crisol
– When: Tuesday 29th of November at 5.00 PM.
– Duration: 1.5 hours.
– Language: Spanish, English.
– Spots: 30

El vagón de las mujeres

Este evento ya se ha celebrado.



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