6 great habits for a coworker

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Working from a coworking space is something relatively new for many people. Each place and each community has its own rules (written or not), but there are a few universal truths that are applicable to this new lifestyle/work. I have had the opportunity to see and live coworking from both sides, first as a coworker and, for two years, as a space manager. Here are my recommendations:


About the space/building:

Respect: coworking spaces are “plug&play”, that is, you arrive, you connect to the internet and work. But for this obvious action to work in a simple way requires that all members of the community know and follow the established rules. Things like: Wifi to connect; What are the areas where I can work and where not; How to book the rooms, In which places can I eat and in which not; What should I do when I receive a visit. These kind of things should be known and respected by all for a good coexistance.

Healthy habits: we work mainly with a computer, a smartphone and connected to the internet, but spending many hours sitting facing a screen is taking its toll. It is very healthy to get up every so often and stretch our legs. Take the time to go to the bathroom, have a drink or just say hello to somebody else. Another option is to change places and work standing up for a while or make a call while walking through an outside area. Surely your coworking spaces offers you several alternatives.

Give feedback: space managers are there to help you. If something does not work well or has been damaged, let them know. When you detect something that can be improved, go ahead, your suggestions are well received. Realize that a coworking is a space in constant evolution and adaption. In Wayco we detected a few months ago that some coworkers wanted vary their work space and soon we decide to install some high tables with stools for that use. Remember that we are always learning.

Marcel, César and Katy working at high tables.

About the community:

Socialize: knowing the res of members of your coworking can be very useful. To begin with, do not be embarrased and when you go to eat or drink coffee don not do it alone. If you meet someone you only know by sight do not hesitate and approach, introduce yourself and start a friendly conversation. Another similar action is to participate in some networking activity that is organized in your community, it will be a good time to meet many people in a short time. If you also need to contact someone of a particular profile look in the coworker´s directory or ask the manager of your community directly.

Give and receive: as you get to know people have no qualms about helping and receiving. If you control a lot of a topic and someone is consulting you, og ahead, it is your momment. Likewise, when you need a little advice or opinion about something ask your community, they do not miss you. Your community can also serve as a test bench or market survey of something you are trying to get started.

Open Mind: One of the best ways to get rich and grow as individuals and professionals is to maintain an open-minded attitude. A coworking space is a heterogeneous community, with people of diverse professional profiles and personal background, even of different countries, cultures and religions. This gives you the opportunity to see things from a prism different prisma from yours and out of your comfort zone. You can do different things like attend a talk on a topic you barely know or talk to someone about the customs of your country or city.

Cover of coworker’s handbook

These are the 6 most relevant habits in my opinion. Do you want to suggest some more?


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