Art Expo – Leonid Afremov

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

The impressionist artist Leonid Afremov presents his works with the exhibition "The Colors of Life". His works will be exhibited at the entrance of wayCO Ruzafa and on the walls […]

Meditation and water painting by ‘Soul Art’

Wayco Cabanyal Carrer de Marià Cuber, 17, 46011, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

The Soul Art experience merges meditation and watercolor painting with the intention of connecting with your essence and allowing you to carry out an exercise in introspection. - Where: wayCO […]

Language Exchange for professionals with ‘Valencia Profunda’

Wayco Cabanyal Carrer de Marià Cuber, 17, 46011, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Valencia Profunda will be in wayCO to propose a different language exchange: 1. Every event has a topic and a cold beer you can order in Café de CO; 2. […]

Speech&Wine Abastos

Wayco Abastos , Spain

Meet three super cool wayCO projects from other coworkers and toast to them. Speakers: - Lucía Gómez: "Information management systems for human rights violations". - Sandra Viecco: "Transforming training" - Where: wayCO Abastos. […]

Breakfast CO Abastos

Wayco Abastos , Spain

You know that you can come to have breakfast at wayCO Abastos even if you normally work in another space, right? "The grace" of these breakfasts is getting to know […]

wayCO Learn – ‘Video Marketing Strategies’

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

This month Alejandro González, founder of the video marketing consultation Videaliza, visits us to give the workshop 'Audiovisual Strategies in RRSS to boost sales of your business' wayCO Ruzafa. - […]

Breakfast CO Cabanyal

Wayco Cabanyal Carrer de Marià Cuber, 17, 46011, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

If you come to have breakfast at wayCO Cabanyal, you can stay working on the terrace, in the cafeteria or in the flexible area. What you like most! Sponsor Café […]

Yoga class- 19/07

Wayco Cabanyal Carrer de Marià Cuber, 17, 46011, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

With the help of Nathalie, we will turn the terrace of wayCO Cabanyal into a yoga studio. We start with two sessions a month — the first class will be […]

Yoga class – 26/07

Wayco Cabanyal Carrer de Marià Cuber, 17, 46011, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

With the help of Nathalie, we will turn the terrace of wayCO Cabanyal into a yoga studio. We start with two sessions a month. - Where: wayCO Cabanyal, terrace. - […]

Yoga class- 09/08

Wayco Cabanyal Carrer de Marià Cuber, 17, 46011, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Morning yoga! Wake up with Nathalie on the terrace of wayCO Cabanyal and take advantage of the summer to get started in this wonderful practice. Yoga mat included. - Where: […]

Desayuno CO Ruzafa

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

Dulce Paladar pondrá el café y los cruasanes. Las historietas, ideas y experiencias correrán por vuestra cuenta. Este mes, desayuno-networking en el patio de wayCO Ruzafa. - Dónde: wayCO Ruzafa. […]