Speech & Beer

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

Speech & Beer is back at Wayco Ruzafa! Three short presentations of projects led by Wayco coworkers and a cold beer for you. A strong applause! Where: Wayco Ruzafa, Crisol […]

Public Speaking Course

Wayco Abastos , Spain

Time for Wayco Abastos to enjoy the Public Speaking Course with Carlos Gimeno, professional coach. First session to learn and improve your public speaking technique. Where: Wayco Abastos, Bailen Room. When: […]

Breakfast Co Ruzafa

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

Breakfast at Wayco Ruzafa is pormising. Coffee, cakes and lively chat to kick off the season on the terrace... We can't wait! Where: Wayco Ruzafa, Patio. When: Wednesday 24th of April from […]

Wayco Inspira

Wayco Cabanyal Carrer de Marià Cuber, 17, 46011, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

How does your life change when you overcome a stroke at the age of 23 and lose the ability to read, speak, eat and write? If you ask Diana de […]

Ping Pong League

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

The most awaited tournament returns to Wayco Ruzafa and with some new things. Let's warm up our wrists and practice hip movements... Because there is a prize! Where: Wayco Ruzafa, […]

Speech & Wine

Wayco Abastos , Spain

Three coworkers will present their projects in a short talk of 10 minutes each, with questions, laughs and a glass of wine to clear our throats. This is how we […]

The Women’s Wagon

Wayco Abastos , Spain

New edition of  The Women's Wagon! The community of women entrepreneurs that makes the journey more fun than scary. Three amazing speakers will tell us "How to scale your business" […]

Public Speaking Course

Wayco Abastos , Spain

Second session in Wayco Abastos of the course to learn to speak well in public with Carlos Gimeno, professional coach. Storytelling and values as the main topic. Where: Wayco Abastos, […]

Wayco Learn – The character map

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

Do you know what the character map is? Rosa Soler, Director of the Equipo Kankei, will instruct us in Wayco Ruzafa on how to know yourself better as a company […]

Wayco Inspira

Wayco Cabanyal Carrer de Marià Cuber, 17, 46011, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Wayco Inspira is the afterwork of the extraordinary stories that we promote together with We The Root in Wayco Cabanyal. If you want to know what this is all about, we're […]

Breakfast Co

Wayco Ruzafa , Spain

Coffee, tea, orange juice, croissants and sponge cake. This is how breakfast is made at Wayco Ruzafa. This time with extra Vitamin D because we went out to the patio to enjoy it! Get your […]

Speech & Vermú

Wayco Cabanyal Carrer de Marià Cuber, 17, 46011, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

New afterwork in Wayco Cabanyal, four short presentations to learn more about the projects of other coworkers, sparkling questions and vermouth on the rocks, please. Where: Wayco Cabanyal, Ateneo Marítimo Room (cafeteria). When: Thursday […]